Can snoring problems occur because of the blocked nose?


Snoring is a loud wheezing noise that you make when you are asleep. It basically occurs when the air passes through your relaxed tissues and makes them vibrate. While it is true that nearly every person snores every once in a while, most rare snorers do so on days when they have a blocked nose. Although the habit is not life-threatening, it still needs to be gotten rid of because it can be a nuisance. But, for that, first, we will need to find out the leading causes that can lead to snoring problem. Solving these issues might help in getting rid of the problem. So, here you go!

What could be blocking your nose?

Here are a few reasons that could be held responsible for a blocked nose-

  1. Common Cold

Common cold attacks your upper respiratory tract. The invasion and your defence mechanisms can make your nose swelled, which can result in blockage. In order to deal with this issue, you should take medication or try nasal sprays. They will effectively treat your runny nose and control cold, which in turn, will reduce snoring.

  1. Environmental Factors

Fumes from chemicals, tobacco smoke, and temperature changes can cause non-allergic nose inflammation. The nasal blockage can be chronic and might make you snore for a long while. To treat this condition, you are advised to use air cleaners, humidifiers, or nasal sprays that can treat chronic nasal blockage and lead to a peaceful night of rest.

  1. Alcohol

Snorers are advised not to consume alcohol around bedtime because drinking is not ideal for a peaceful sleep. It can cause your muscles to over-relax, which can obstruct your airway. Besides, when alcohol breaks down in your body, it produces some transitional chemicals that can block your nose. 

  1. Physical Abnormalities

The structure of your nose is also a deciding factor in whether you will snore or not. People who have a deviated septum are more likely to produce a wheezing noise while asleep. In such people, nasal cavities are asymmetric, and because one chamber is smaller than the other, the propensity to snore is high.

  1. Allergy

Your allergy to some things can also trigger snoring. It happens because if you are allergic to dust particles or pollen, your body is likely to enter into an infection-fighting mode in reaction to harmless things. Since the allergens get in through the nose, this area is most likely to get affected. Increased blood flow and inflammatory molecules can make your nose stuffy. You are advised to use air purifiers and nasal sprays for treating this condition.

  1. Medication

If you are taking any medication to treat some health problem, then it is possible that your medicines might be making you snore. For example, drugs for high BP, heart conditions, and over-the-counter pain relief can contribute to nasal blockage. If that is the case with you, you are recommended to talk to your doctor about changing your medicines.

So, these are some plausible causes that can lead to blocked noses and snoring. Following the above-mentioned solutions can help your condition.



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